What's the easiest way to make money online?

There are many ways to make money online, but some are easier than others. In this article, we'll show you the easiest way to make money online, so you can start earning money right away!

Easy way to make money online

 I used to be an engineer and I got sick of working 9 to 5. I was lucky enough to be able to quit my job and spend quality time with my family. I am not a housewife but I work from “home” (I am constantly traveling around the world while working online). Yes, you are right. I think the best and easiest way to earn money at home is through the internet. To be more specific, please find my answer below.

There are a lot of companies right now that are claiming to show you how to make money online. They are saying that they'll provide you with all the systems, training, and resources you need to get you on your way to success. Well, I'm not going to lie to you, it is possible to make money online but it's not going to be easy. The truth is you are going to have to work for it. The easiest way to make money online is to work hard, keep learning and put these things into practice.

You can either earn money through

1. Take Surveys Online

You can try to make money by taking surveys online. However, it is not possible to make a living by filling up surveys and you will not be able to make a sustainable income. However, it is the simplest and the most straightforward way to make money online as it does not require any special skills or qualifications.

Make a money Online for beginners

Below you can find a list of legitimate paid survey sites you can sign up for.

However, there are pros and cons to making money through paid survey sites.

  • Pros:
    • Easy and straightforward
    • You do not need any special qualification
    • Free and you do not need to have special tools
    • You can participate and take surveys anywhere you want
    • All you need is a laptop/ smartphone and an internet connection
  • Cons:
    • Small rewards from taking surveys. It is possible to make $5 per month if you work extremely hard
    • Easily get screened out in the middle of the survey
    • Lose all rewards after the expiration duration
    • It does not allow you to make a sustainable income. You need to constantly participate in taking surveys every day.

   2. Affiliate Marketing

Alternatively, you can become an affiliate marketer.

I graduated as an engineer and after years of working 9-to-5, I got fed up with the routine work and decided to do something else that could earn me an opportunity to spend quality time with my family and make extra cash.

Affiliate Marketing

I started as a blogger and expected to make some extra cash like anyone else. To my surprise, it turned out well where I made more money than I could as an engineer.

My preferred way is to become an affiliate marketer because it allows me to make a lucrative and sustainable income through blogging. You can easily make $300 - $500 per day by becoming an affiliate marketer.

To make money from blogging (affiliate marketing), First, you need to find your niche. A niche means a target or a subject that you are going to write about. A niche can be your interest, a hobby, or a skill. Any subject can be your niche, for example, people blog about collecting matchboxes, bug photography, workout program, or even daily political scandals, etc.

Remember one thing when you are finding your niche, avoid being too broad with your selection. For example, do not blog about Work Out Tips and Motorbike at the same time. Both of them fall into different categories and they just can't simply be put together. You could do a post about your niche (e.g. camera, guitar, trekking) and include affiliate links to any paid ones (e.g. Amazon or ShareASale).

Creating great content is not enough to make a lucrative income online today. You will have to make use of social media platforms to promote your content and drive traffic to purchase items via your product reviews.

My site earned $7,000 within six months. Of course, I worked extremely hard at the beginning and success did not happen overnight. I spent almost 5 hours per day after work to make it work. As my site matures, I spend 1 to 2 hours everyday writing, optimizing my site, connect to social media and reply readers' emails.

The best thing is the earning potential doesn't stop there and the revenue growth is still climbing up every single day (provided I publish articles regularly). At the time of writing, my site is making 5-figure revenue every month.

Anyway, my answer is if you're passionate about a subject and you have decent writing skills, blogging definitely could be an alternative career path for you to make a living. All you need is to become an affiliate marketer.

You will also find the pros and cons of working as an affiliate marketer.

  • Pros:
    • The earning potential is enormous due to the exponential growth of the internet users
    • It allows you to make sustainable income online
    • It allows you to quit your nine-to-five job and allow you to spend quality time with your families
    • It is a legitimate online business
    • There are many affiliate programs on the internet you can participate (e.g. Amazon, ShareASale, Apple, FreeflyVR)
  • Cons:
    • It requires a lot of effort and time
    • You need to blog from time to time (constantly publish content)
    • You need to learn how to do affiliate marketing
    • You can’t do it alone. It requires mentorship. You can do it alone with the trial and error method but it takes a while to figure out the methodology
    • Easy to get scammed as a newbie as there are many so-called internet gurus out there to steal your money and only deliver empty promises.

I agree it is not easy to stand out on the market as there are millions of bloggers out there. However, it is still possible for a newbie to make a sustainable income online by choosing the right niche. For example, everyone is talking about virtual reality now. If you are interested in VR and you blog about it, I believe there will be a huge potential in making good money from it. Note: Freefly VR offers an affiliate program to earn a commission.

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing refers to the use of social media platforms to promote a brand or product. With the widespread use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, social media marketing has become an essential tool for businesses to reach out to their target audience and engage with them.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is the process of using social media platforms to promote a brand or product. It involves creating and sharing content on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube, to engage with the target audience and drive traffic to the business website. Social media marketing can include various strategies such as creating and sharing text, images, videos, and other multimedia content, running social media ads, collaborating with influencers, and engaging with followers through comments and direct messages. The ultimate goal of social media marketing is to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and generate leads or sales.


Increased brand awareness: Social media platforms provide an opportunity for businesses to reach a vast audience and increase their brand awareness.

Cost-effective: Social media marketing is comparatively cheaper than traditional marketing methods. Businesses can reach their target audience at a much lower cost.

Targeted advertising: Social media platforms allow businesses to target their audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Increased engagement: Social media platforms provide an opportunity for businesses to engage with their audience through various activities such as commenting, liking, sharing, and messaging.

Valuable insights: Social media platforms provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, which can help businesses improve their products and services.


Time-consuming: Social media marketing requires time and effort to create engaging content, monitor activities, and respond to customer queries.

Competition: With the increasing popularity of social media marketing, businesses face intense competition, making it difficult to stand out.

Negative feedback: Social media platforms provide customers with a platform to voice their opinions, which can sometimes be negative and damaging to a brand's reputation.

Limited control: Social media platforms are third-party platforms, and businesses have limited control over the content and activities on these platforms.

Privacy concerns: Social media platforms collect user data, which can raise privacy concerns among users and affect a brand's reputation.

In conclusion, social media marketing has its advantages and disadvantages, and businesses must weigh them carefully before investing in this marketing strategy. A well-executed social media marketing campaign can help businesses reach their target audience, increase brand awareness, and engage with customers effectively.

We are constantly asked this question - "How can I make money online?" And while there are many ways to generate income online, it's more important to ask yourself this question - "What do I want to do online?" Do you have a hobby or skill that you'd like to share with others? Do you have a passion or interest that you'd like to turn into a business? Do you have a product or service that you'd like to sell online? The answer to these questions will help you find the easiest way to make money online because it's the combination of your favorite activity, your passion, and your expertise that will make you successful! This is the reason why we've launched our new blog series called, "The Easiest Ways to Make Money Online." In this series, we are going to be sharing strategies on how to make money online from your favorite hobby, passion, or expertise. We hope that you find this information useful, and we'd love to hear from you.

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